Learning Ruby on Rails


Why did I start to learn Ruby on Rails. I had used NodeJS and the whole modern pipeline of JS and didnt like it. There are libraries on top of libraries. Every Javascript dev will just tell you to find something on NPM rather than write it yourself. It gets messy so quickly.


Ruby has DRY.

Not writing the same thing over and over again is what we should strive to do in programming. Ruby itself was made to not repeat itself. Sure, you could go against this but if you really are using the language the the Rails framework the way you should be, you won’t be repeating yourself ever.


It was easy to learn Ruby on Rails

I’m serious, it was really easy. The framework is well thought out and has great features that can get you up and running really fast. I made www.poly.gg in a week. It looks like it was made in a week but despite that you can really see the power it has.


Now What?

I’ll keep learning it and looking at jobs that have Ruby On Rails positions and see if I meet their requirements. I always wonder that when learning something new. Could I apply for a job that uses this? So then I look at it and see what they are doing and what is the best to learn in the industry for that technology. Ruby on Rails has some great integrations with Mongodb and React JS that I would like to learn.
